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Showing posts from March, 2020

Survival Kit list + project photos + response questions

COVID-19 survival kit Journal + pen Food (bread, canned items) dog (+dog food)  photo album  phone / electronics + charger + wifi  optimism  (how to represent as an object?) Blankets  medicine (advil, flu medicine, etc)  water kettle  flashlight  mask  hand sanitizer  acesss to news  cleaning supplies (soap, shampoo)  change of clothes  tennis racquet + ball or (ping pong paddle + ball) some type of game for entertainment  headphones  This being our first online project, how did our new format change your experience of working in this class? The format and experience during online class was not drastically different that our previous classes, however, the only thing was not being able to be physically sitting next to classmates and work in that atmosphere.  Getting assistance and sharing ideas was not difficult and was pretty seamless. How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically  in the making of this piece? I challe

Blog 4 response

1) Composing movement: The points made about how to convey emotion were very interesting and pointed out ideas that I never considered when watching films.  The point about how to make emotions more intense depending on the amount of people involved in the movement at once.  The speaker used different directors of special effects to showcase how films (that are considered eyecatching) involve many moving parts in the background.  2) Editing time and space: Animation requires fewer frames in order to get a message across.  Also, I think the way Kon did cuts between scenes or to show a dream was extremely creative and requires a lot of vision.  The video mentioned he would sketch out scenes having the next one in mind.  I think being able to see these connections is really amazing, however, I wonder if Kon ever sees these connections between images for cuts between scenes, but others do not see it or understand it.  Does he include it anyway and hope for a better reception? 3) How

Project 2: Vinyl Intervention and Reflection Questions

In what way did you change your process to make a piece that was site-specific? I changed the shape and overall aesthetic of the mask.  Originally, I wanted to feature an Asian person's face wearing the mask, however, I did not want to be so literal and wanted viewers on the subway to use the symbol to get the message.  Additionally, when I tried making a face it did not turn out the way I was planned.  I felt the emotion part was hard to capture. I changed the shape from a fashionable Asian mask shape to a more medical-surgical mask shape in order to be read by a wider audience.  How did you challenge yourself creatively, conceptually and/or technically  in the making of this piece? If you did not feel challenged is there something you would do differently if you were to do it again? I challenged myself conceptually, I feel.  Because I constantly had to be reevaluating whether my message was getting across and how people would interpret it since Coronavirus is a hot t